Hello June
Is creative and cosy in its unique form. With dual functionality for hanging and securing it to a pole.
Is creative and cosy in its unique form. With dual functionality for hanging and securing it to a pole.
Its unique shape exudes creativity and atmosphere. It offers dual functionality, both for hanging and attaching it securely to a pole.
Has a different and fun natural look. A real eyecatcher for your garden.
Yara is good for our world and makes for lots of happy birds.
Sam twin is (twice as) good for our world, and make the world better for our singing friends.
Has a unique figure, is kind to our singing friends and to our world.
Permanently sticks to the window, is kind to our singing friends and to our world.
Tara is multifunctional, good for our planet and easy to use.
Esmee is good for our planet, good for you and good for our singing friends.
Sam is good for our world, and makes the world better for our singing friends.
Beautiful, easy and good for the environment. Thanks to the clever design, only suitable for your little winged friends.
Comes in contemporary designs, is convenient to use and is good to multiple bird species.
A perfect place for bath time. Johan is made of 100% recycled material.
A perfect gift that will bring a recipient and their singing friends joy for a long time.
A perfect gift that will bring a recipient and their singing friends joy for a long time.
Is sustainable in the most literal sense of the word. Beau offers years of fun for our singing friends and for your garden.
Is sustainable in the most literal sense of the word. Beau offers years of fun for our singing friends and for your garden.
Is sustainable in the most literal sense of the word. Bobbie offers years of fun for our singing friends and for your garden.
Is sustainable in the most literal sense of the word. Beau offers years of fun for our singing friends and for your garden.
Is a real, natural beauty. Perfect in its simplicity, a lovely place for our singing friends.
Is firm, stands out and was designed with an eye for detail. Jan offers a lovely place to shelter or breed.
Elegant, solid and multifunctional. And a pleasant place to eat for your singing friends.
Faya is a gem that blends in perfectly with nature because of her light exterior.
Looks elegant and refined. And she offers your singing friends a safe place to nest or stay the night.
Nyah has a natural look and is perfect if you want to feed smaller singing friends.
Modern, stylish, easy to use and prevents feed waste.
Ingenious, multifunctional, modern, and customisable to suit your favourite birds.
With room for all kinds of bird feed, from suet balls and peanuts, to pellets and sunflower seeds.
A match made in heaven with Anna or Anna Window.
The favourite meal of many of our feathered friends. And perfect in combination with various feeders.
A delicious meal full of vitamins for our singing friends. And they are suitable for many feeders.